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samedi 17 juin 2017

Common Worms In Dogs


 Tapeworms live in the small intestines and vary from less than an inch to several feet in length. The head of the worm fastens to the wall of the gut by hooks and suckers. The body is composed of segments that contain the egg packets. To cure tapeworm infection, the head must be destroyed. If it is not, the worm will regenerate.

The body segments containing the eggs are passed in the feces. Fresh, moist segments are about one-quarter inch (6 mm) long and are capable of moving. Occasionally you may see them crawling through the fur near your dog’s anus. When dry, they resemble kernels of rice. Some dogs experience anal itching from the segments. Tapeworms will drain nutrition from your dog but not to the extent that ascarids, hookworms, and whipworms will.

The common tapeworm of dogs is Dipylidium caninum. Fleas and lice serve as intermediate hosts when they ingest the eggs. A dog must bite or swallow an infected flea or louse to acquire the parasite. A human could also acquire D. caninum if they accidentally swallow an infected flea.

Several species of Taenia, another type of tapeworm, parasitize dogs. Taenia are acquired by eating infected rodents, rabbits, and sheep. Diphyllobothrium species are found encysted in the organs of fish. These tapeworms are found in the northern United States and Canada.

Echinococcus tapeworms are uncommon in dogs. Intermediate hosts are deer, elk, goats, sheep, cattle, swine, horses, and some rodents


 Droncit, Cestex, Drontal Plus, Telmintic, and Vercom Paste are highly effective against all the common dog tapeworms. Use them under veterinary guidance.


The adult whipworm is 2 to 3 inches (50 to 76 mm) long. It is threadlike for the most part, but is thicker at one end, which gives it the appearance of a whip.

The adult worm lives in the last part of the small intestines and the first part of the large intestines, where it fastens to the wall of the gut. The female lays fewer eggs than other worms, and there are long periods during which eggs are not shed. Accordingly, finding eggs in the feces is difficult, even with repeated stool examinations.

Whipworms can cause acute, chronic, or intermittent diarrhea in dogs. Typically, the stool is mucoid and bloody. The diarrhea is often accompanied by urgency and straining . Dogs with a heavy infestation may lose weight, fail to thrive, and develop anemia.


 A number of preparations are effective against whipworms. They include Panacur, Drontal Plus, Telmintic, and Vercom Paste. However, it is difficult to attain high drug concentrations in the colon, where the whipworms reside, and this makes them difficult to eradicate. To maximize success, follow up the initial deworming with a second deworming three weeks later and a third deworming in three months.

Threadworms (Strongyloides) 

Threadworms are round worms just 2 mm long that live in the small intestines and infect both dogs and humans. The parasite is found in humid, subtropical regions such as the southeastern United States and Gulf Coast areas.

The life cycle of the threadworm is complex. Eggs and larvae are passed in the feces. Larvae become infective and are either ingested or gain entrance by directly penetrating the skin.

Threadworms are mainly a problem in puppies. Infected pups suffer from a profuse watery or bloody diarrhea that can be fatal. Pneumonia may occur as the larvae migrate through the lungs.


The diagnosis is made by finding eggs or larvae on microscopic examination of stool, both fresh and after incubation. A five-day course of Panacur is the treatment of choice. Retreatment in 30 days is recommended. Ivermectin has also been used effectively, although it is not labeled for this purpose.

Other Worm Parasites 


 Pinworms are sometimes a concern to families with pets and children. However, dogs and cats are not a source of human pinworm infection, because they do not acquire or spread these parasites. 


 This is a disease acquired by ingesting uncooked pork containing the encysted larvae of Trichina spiralis. In humans, only a few cases are reported each year. The incidence is probably somewhat higher in dogs. Prevent trichinosis by keeping your dog from roaming, especially if you live in a rural area. Cook all fresh meat for you and your dog.


 Lungworms are slender, hairlike parasites about 1 centimeter long. There are several species of lungworm that affect dogs. Capillaria aerophila is acquired by ingesting eggs or a transport host, such as snails, slugs, or rodents. 

These parasites reside in the nasal cavity and upper air passages, producing a mild cough. Filaroides species produce a tracheal and bronchial infection that tends to be a kennel-related problem, especially in Greyhounds.

Most dogs with lungworms have mild infections and do not show clinical signs. Heavily infested dogs (usually under 2 years of age) may have a persistent dry cough, weight loss, and exercise intolerance.

Diagnosis is based on clinical signs, a chest X-ray (not always positive), and identification of the eggs or larvae in the stool or in respiratory secretions. Bronchoscopy on a dog with a Filaroides infection may reveal small nodules in the wall of the trachea. Larvae may be seen peeking out of these growths. Treatment with Panacur (fenbendazole) is often needed for extended periods of time. 


The lung fluke Paragonimus kellicotti infects dogs living around the Great Lakes, in the Midwest, and in the southern United States. Flukes are flatworms ranging in size from a few millimeters up to several inches (2.5 to 5 cm) long. The fluke is acquired by eating aquatic snails and crayfish. Cysts develop in the lungs. Rarely, a cyst ruptures and causes a collapsed lung (pneumothorax).

The safest and most effective agent for treating all species of lungworms and lung flukes is Panacur. The drug must be given daily for 10 days. Prevent lungworms by cooking fish and restricting your dog’s hunting forays.

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